Renowned as the home of the legendary crocodile hunter Steve Irwin, Australia Zoo is one of the most popular tourist attractions on the Sunshine...
The Glass House Mountains National Park is a famous landmark in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. These mountains are a must-visit while here, featuring dramatic craggy peaks that stand above pine plantations and farmlands...
The Noosa National Park is home to some of Australia’s most spectacular coastlines. It’s over 4,000 hectares and encompasses the picturesque headland in Noosa Heads, dunes and heath plains around Lake Weyba, coastal...
The Maleny Botanic Gardens is a beautiful place to visit during your stay on the Sunshine Coast. With over 14 acres of gardens and lawns located on over 110 acres, many people come here to enjoy the magnificent...
If you plan a trip to the Sunshine Coast, trip to the Sunshine Coast, then you will quickly discover that there are a massive range of things to see and do here. Make sure to check out the Bellingham Maze on your next...
Wildlife HQ is a one-of-a-kind animal sanctuary located at the Big Pineapple on the Sunshine Coast in Woombye. If you love exotic animal experiences in a stunning location, this place is a must-visit! Wildlife HQ, Zoo...
Kondalilla Falls is a beautiful waterfall located within the Kondalilla National Park, which can be reached via the scenic Blackall Range. The falls themselves consist of a 90m waterfall where the Skene Creek drops to...
The Sunshine Coast, being a renowned holiday destination, experiences many passengers throughout the year. Therefore, the Sunshine Coast Airport (formerly Maroochydore Airport) is a popular domestic airport that serves...
The Sunshine Coast Stadium in Kawana Waters is a world-class, multi-sport venue. It also serves as the primary venue within the sporting precinct that encompasses seven fields. Sunshine Coast Stadium, Seating Plan...
Located in Mooloolaba on the Sunshine Coast, the Mooloolaba Surf Club boasts a spectacular beachside location and one of Australia’s oldest surf lifesaving clubs. Established in 1922, the club has supported many...
Inskip Point is a beautiful peninsula north of Rainbow Beach in Queensland. This area is commonly used as a gateway to Fraser Island, another popular destination here. Inskip Point, Camping, Accommodation, Weather...
Visit the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia Tourism & Holidays To Brisbane
Indulge in a slice of paradise with a visit to the Sunshine Coast. On our site, you will find heaps of tourism information about the many things to see and do while on holiday here, as well as finding accommodation providers and the ability to book fun activities.
The Sunshine Coast is one of the most popular beach holiday destinations in Australia - visited by millions each year. Boasting a pristine coastline and beautiful forested hinterland, there are plenty of outdoor activities for visitors enjoy during their stay - even better, it's not too far from Brisbane!
With tourist attractions including the Australia Zoo, Aussie World, the Glass House Mountains, waterfalls, music festivals, sporting events, food and wine festivals and heaps of water-based beach activities, you'll certainly find plenty of things to see and do to during your next visit to Queensland and the Sunshine Coast.
- Australia Zoo
- SEA LIFE Sunshine Coast Aquarium
- Aussie World
- Big Pineapple
- Glasshouse Mountains National Park